Welcome Lucas

This post is long overdue! I've been very quiet lately trying to adjust to life with a newborn. My older son is 9yrs old, so I'm a little lot rusty. 

On May 28th we welcomed our baby boy Lucas. Born 6lbs and 181/2 inches long. 


My birth is completely different than with my first son. With my first I was induced at about 37 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. I went to my regular doctors appointment, they discovered my preeclampsia, and I was sent straight to the hospital to be induced. So it wasn't a typical birth experience  I had the epidural right away, so I have no memory of contractions. None the less I had my first son a whole pound and inch bigger than his new baby brother. 

This time around it was completely different. I made it to 39 weeks and 4 days! I was so ready to finally not be pregnant. I was actually worried I would go past my due date. 

But that Saturday my contractions started at 2am! I called in at 7am, and was told to wait it out till my contractions were 5 min apart for a min long each.(which they were not) 

Well at 10am I told my husband I was ready to go,the pain was getting BAD. Even though my contractions still weren't regular I just felt like it was time. When we got there I was checked out and I was already 4 centimeters dilated! So we were staying to have a baby! I got the epidural asap, and a few hours later he was born!

The first month was a huge adjustment! Between no sleep and the struggle to breastfed and worrying about every little thing. But I have to say 6 weeks later I feel so much better and we are adjusting quite nicely. Everything is getting much easier, and we are getting the hang of this all over again. Don't get me wrong, some days are harder than others but we wouldn't have it any other way. They grow up so fast, that we really just have to remember to enjoy him little while it last.


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