Hello Summer

Happy first day of summer! We are so excited for a fun filled summer over here! Last summer I had a newborn, so we didn't get to do much. But now that he's one, I feel a lot better of taking him out longer, and more places.

One thing I hate is staying home all day! Even if it's just for a drive to get ice cream , I feel better just getting some sunlight(and ice cream ;) I love to plan little day trips for us, it helps me stay organize and commit to actually leaving the house. Cuz like I've mentioned before, my son could stay home all day, but with the baby, sometimes I just need some adult interaction(preferably one who makes coffee). 

So here's to a happy, fun-filled summer! 

bag-barnes and nobles(here) | jeans-gap(similar) | shoes-seven dials via macys(here) | top-abercrombie and fitch(similar) | sunglasses-loft(here

Thanks for reading! :)

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