Dressing in my 30's

Ok, so I've only been in my 30's for a few weeks but honestly I've been feeling pretty empowered and optimistic about heading into this new decade of life. In many ways family life, professional life and in how I dress myself. 

I think after 30 years of dressing myself I finally feel like I can pinpoint my sense of style. Don't get me wrong, experimenting with fashion will always be one of my joys, but I can say I lean towards moderately trendy items and would define my style as dressy yet casual. I don't like to be over dressed but also not under dressed either. 

No I'm not here to tell you "what to ditch/what you should be wearing by 30" I don't believe in any of that. As long as your happy and comfortable wear what you like and what makes you happy. 

All of our styles are so different and that's what in my opinion makes fashion so inspiring.

When I say moderately trendy items I mean I'll try things, like belt bag, mixing prints, but something that may be to far out for me are excessively girly items or grandpa sneakers. I mean never say never, but those are some things I tend to stay away from. 

And who know's maybe in another 10 I'll be back here updating my sense of style. It definitely was waayyy different 10 years ago. Fashion is always evolving! So now tell me, how would you describe your sense of style and when did you pin point it. 

blazer-ann taylor(similar) || skirt-target(similar) || boots-urban outfitters(here) || bag-tjmaxx(love)

Thanks for reading! :)

Follow me on Instagram- & let me know what you think of my post.



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