Last of Fall wants.

So, Im officially calling summer! Yes, Labor day usually does that, even though technically summer ends on the 22nd of September. But the week after Labor Day was still pretty(extremely) hot, so we were still in tees and shorts. And this past few days we've had cool mornings -and I love it!

I'm so excited for fall fashion! I have a few items on my want list for this season, but after those, I have decided, that I will NOT shop till the holidays.  I've tried the no-shopping but always give in. I hope saying it out loud will make it stick and hold myself more accountable. Truth is I don't need anything, I have tons of clothing I'm happy with to wear this season.

How am I going to do this? It's gonna be hard I know, but hopefully I have more self control than I give myself credit for. I'm gonna limit my mall visits, and online browsing. I won't even open stores email so I won't get tempted with things I see, or sales they're offering.

So all this may seem like a lot of stuff, but I'm not gonna get it all. I'm gonna narrow it down to what pieces I can get the most use out of. Plus, I'm gonna be on the lookout for sales or even similar items for less of a price.

Thanks for reading! :)
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